Edible Plants & Seaweed


On Saturday, August 16, 2025 we are once again gathering at Little River Wharf to learn about seaweed and a whole bunch of awesome edible (and non-edible) plants! We will go into detail about ways to ID native plant species, which species are invasive, how and when to harvest, and we will talk all day long about ways Sarah and I would use these wild ingredients in cooking or making beverages.

  1. We will meet at 10:00am at Little River Wharf, the event will likely go until at least 2:00pm.

  2. We will talk about species of seaweed from each of the 3 colors: brown, green and red

  3. We will be talking about a huge variety of plants with an emphasis on Coastal plants, and edible plants

  4. We will be snacking and drinking beverages out in the field

  5. We will return to Wreck Cove Cabins for lunch and more plant-based beverages

  6. Sarah and Jay will talk about other pre-foraged plants of interest, show off lots of examples of vinegars, powders, salts, infused honey, dehydrated or preserved plants, pickled items etc. We will discuss our methods and uses for these

  7. If there is time, we may take another short walk to talk about inland plants and trees

  8. This is a rain or shine event

If you are looking for more info, you can see how this event went in 2024.


This workshop is $86.25 total - taxes included

You can sign up via the form below and your spot will be reserved when you purchase your ticket. E-transfers are accepted and will be sent to wreckcovecabins@gmail.com. Please note, there are no refunds on event tickets.

Jay Rawding