Plant Foragers Picnic

This 2023 event was super unique! Sarah Robinson, Biologist, returned for a plant identification walk. We also had Rosslyn MacKay, Ecological Landscaper. All three of us women are obsessed with plants for different reasons and had so much information to share! Sarah talked a lot about edible plants and showed us her baskets of vinegars, powders and salts, pickled items and more.

Rosslyn designed a cat-friendly edible garden for Wreck Cove Cabins and taught all of us how to properly plant, space, and choose which plants go where in terms of watering, the size they will eventually get, and root systems. She taught us about how one would approach picking and choosing the right plants for the land you have - some choices assisting in rehabilitating the land, curbing erosion, or making the most out of wet or dry landscapes that you may have been choosing the wrong plants for.


  • Red Rose & Sea Salt Butter, Chive, & Chanterelle Butters

  • Freshly baked Garlic Scape Focaccia, Brioche & GF crackers

  • Spruce Vinegar & Garlic Oil for dipping, Pickled Green Currants & Rose Hip Pickled Onions and Mugwort Sauerkraut

  • Plantain “Peanut Butter” (no peanuts involved!)

  • Strawberries & Spruce Tip Yogurts + a lilac shortbread cookie


  • Bayberry Moose Jerky

  • White Rose & Hemlock lemonade and Spruce Tip iced tea

  • Pineappleweed & cucumber popsicles

  • Fresh salad topped with Yarrow & Rose Honey Vinaigrette and bee pollen (seemed fitting as they keep the plants alive!).

  • 3 cheeses selected by Brook Village Grocery, Inverness.

Jay Rawding