Vintage Sale, Market & Scavenger Hunt

A big thank you to mother nature for staving off the rain until the last hour of this event.

We had a several vintage sellers pop up under the outdoor shelter from everything from clothing, accessories and vintage frames and housewares. Handmade pottery. Fresh and dried flowers. Handmade clothing and lamps. Herbal products and a plant sale. I hosted a table serving cold beverages made from foraged ingredients such as rose, lilac, hemlock, Pineappleweed, and spruce. We even had a table where you could get your nails painted by our youngest vendor for like a buck (organic nail polish!!).

All the while, adults and kids alike enjoyed the scavenger hunt on the loop trail by the ocean which featured 15 slightly hidden rubber creatures (archery targets). Each animal had a clue to count and we passed out cards to tally everything up and submit for a draw for a free night stay in the Moose and Merlin cabin.

Jay Rawding