All Purpose Healing Salve
Fill a clean (preferably sanitized) jar (500 ml) with equal parts: Calendula, Plantain, St. John's Wort, Comfrey Leaf
Fill the jar again with base oil of your choice (I recommend organic sunflower oil).
Infuse for 6 weeks (shake twice daily). Dancing and singing with it might add a little extra magic.
Strain out plant matter.
In a small pot, add infused oil plus 1 oz of beeswax.
Stir consistently until beeswax is melted.
Pour into jars.
Leave to cool with lids off (it will add condensation to your salve, which will reduce it's shelf life and encourage mold/rancidity.)
Put lids on once cooled completely.
Use on bites, scrapes, dry rashes, cuts, or even diaper rash!